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Espacio Nancarrow O'Gorman

Juan O’Gorman y su casa-cueva.
Apuntes para una reconstrucción

Juan O’Gorman and his cave-house. Notes for a reconstruction

Jaime Torres Bodet Cultural Center

18. 05. 23

Juan O’Gorman and his cave house. Notes for a reconstruction is an exhibition documenting the creative journey of Juan O’Gorman over fifty years as he worked from functionalism to organic architecture. The exhibition highlights Juan O’Gorman as one of the earliest functionalist architects in Latin America and the first in Mexico.

The exhibition’s curation focuses on the demolition and destruction of Juan O’Gorman’s cave-house not only as a physical fact, but also, within the Mexican art scene, as an act of oblivion. Architect Javier Senosiain and his team of collaborators, guided by Iván Arellano’s research, present the first scale model reconstruction of the cave-house in detail, offering the possibility of getting to know it fully, while proposing a potential reconstruction of the building.

Works of artists from different disciplines are in dialogue throughout the exhibition with Juan O’Gorman on technical, conceptual and narrative levels, as a way of updating new horizons of artistic creation. Photographs by Flor Garduño, Pierre Verger, Juan Guzmán, Daniel Orozco and publications about the building in active dialogue with the valuable Juan O’Gorman collection of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco, contribute to a contextual approach.

After having been presented at the Museo Nacional de Arquitectura del Palacio de Bellas Artes, this exhibition is travelling to the Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Being exhibited in this venue means honoring one of its founding teachers, Juan O’Gorman, as well as acknowledging the impact the school has had on the multidisciplinary training of its students and teachers with emphasis on art and culture.

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