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pequeñas Acciones= Grandes cambios


Espacio Nancarrow O'Gorman

Juan O´Gorman y su casa-cueva. Apuntes para una reconstrucción. Exposición documental

Juan O'Gorman and his cave-house. Notes for a reconstruction
Andrea Pozzo Gallery
29. 08. 2019

Juan O’Gorman y su casa-cueva. Apuntes para una reconstrucción; an exhibition that brings together works by Juan O’Gorman, national and foreign publications, photographs by authors such as Flor Garduño, Pierre Verger and Juan Guzmán, as well as furniture that belonged to Juan O’Gorman, with the intention of offering data that allow us to understand what is happening in his house and his cave-house.

In addition to the above, the exhibition offers the public an important and unprecedented number of certainties provided by the unveiling of the first model ever built of the cave-house. This was done by Senosiain Arquitectos-an international benchmark in organic architecture-and through the exhaustive research that Iván Arellano made public in 2016 on the architectural forms and proportions of the building.

Juan O’Gorman and his cave-house. Notes for a reconstruction. Documentary exhibition, also part of a documentary research by Adriana Sandoval, specialist in the work of Juan O’Gorman and curator of the exhibition; achieved its objectives through the collaborative work of master in Art History Yolanda Bravo Saldaña, museographer and visual artist Miguel Ángel Corona, and the enthusiastic support of students from the Universidad Iberoamericana, the Faculty of Architecture of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, as well as Senosiain Arquitectos, the sponsorship of La voz del Norte, Periódico Cultural de Sinaloa, and the collaboration of the Coordination of Artistic Creation and Reflection of the Universidad Iberoamericana.

The Andrea Pozzo Gallery, S.J. of the Ibero, opens its doors to the interested public from 1:00 p.m. on August 29 until October 9 of this year, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday. Admission is free through door 12 of the UIA with valid official identification.


Andrea del Ángel

Camila Reza

Isabel Valdez

Lorenza Herrasti

Valeria Parra

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