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Espacio Nancarrow O'Gorman

Conlon Nancarrow. 20 Aniversario luctuoso

Conlon Nancarrow. 20th anniversary of his passing

Morisco Kiosk

02. 10. 2017


In 2017 the 20th anniversary memorial for Conlon Nancarrow’s took place in collaboration with the Cultural General Office of the Cuauhtémoc Mayor’s Office.

The memorial featured a rich interdisciplinary program honoring the life and work of Conlon Nancarrow. Dr. Yōko Sugiura, archaeologist, anthropologist and widow of Conlon Nancarrow, José Wolffer, musician and cultural manager, Adriana Sandoval, art historian and Martín Mercado spoke and shared their affections and memories about one of the most outstanding composers of the 20th century.

There were also performances and actions including a remembrance of the life of Conlon Nancarrow by composer Osvaldo Budón, the Aphasia performance by Diego Espinosa as well as an action painting by Arturo Buitrón and the participation of the collective “E a la N potencia”.

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