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Espacio Nancarrow O'Gorman

Juan O´Gorman. Arquitectura, memoria y acción

Juan O’Gorman. Architecture, memory and action

Facultad de Arquitectura de la UNAM
08. 02. 2023

Adriana Sandoval, Director of Espacio Nancarrow O’Gorman Foundation lectured on Juan O’Gorman: Arquitectura, memoria y acción [Juan O’Gorman. Architecture, memory and action] at the Taller Juan O’Gorman of the Faculty of Architecture at UNAM. Sandoval discussed the Foundation’s ongoing mission as well as the life and work of Conlon Nancarrow and Juan O’Gorman.

Sandoval described Juan O’Gorman’s design of Conlon Nancarrow’s house-studio as a primary example of organic architecture.  Its current inhabitants, the Nancarrow Sugiura family, are seeking to preserve the Nancarrow House-Studio under the auspices of a foundation open to the public for residences and research. In the words of Adriana Sandoval, “The house is not just organic because of its architectural style or pedigree, but because it embodies the inner philosophies of both the builder and the inhabitant”.

Her audience of first semester architecture students seek to investigate the potential of art, specifically architecture, to generate identities, create communities and raise social awareness. As a result, Adriana Sandoval encouraged students to create their own concepts of social architecture.


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