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Espacio Nancarrow O'Gorman

Introducción a la técnica del esténcil

Introduction to the stencil technique

Centro Cultural del México Contemporáneo

20. 08. 2022

Introduction to the stencil technique was a workshop given by Monserrat Pinacho Rodríguez and Yankel Balderas Pacheco, whose exhibition Encontrar, is on show at Centro Cultural del México Contemporáneo from July 7 to September 4, 2022.

During the workshop, Yankel Balderas spoke about his work and trajectory, and conceptual approach to the technique. Participants were introduced to basic and more complex skills and exercises. The activity was free of charge and was attended by participants of various ages.

YNKL (Oaxaca de Juárez, 1982)

Instagram: @ynklbp

Yankel Balderas Pacheco is an architect from the Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca. He is a self-taught graphic artist and has been the creator of mural interventions in public spaces for more than two decades. He has participated in numerous national and international projects individually and collectively.

Monserrat Pinacho Rodríguez (1982)

Monserrat Pinacho Rodríguez is a Preschool Education teacher. Her approach to street graphics began in 2006 as part of her support to the Oaxacan teacher’s movement. Pinacho has collaborated in different workshops at the Universidad Comunal del Estado de Oaxaca (UACO), at the ORB Foundation, and at the Mexican Cultural Institute Houston, among others. Currently she is a member of the Horizonte workshop together with Yankel (YNKL).

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