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pequeñas Acciones= Grandes cambios


Espacio Nancarrow O'Gorman

Tierra Incógnita. 65 años de La Invención de América

Unknown Land. 65 years of The Invention of America

Galería Torre del Reloj

04. 04. 2023

Tierra Incógnita. 65 años de La Invención de América was presented by the Embassy of Ireland under the particular interest of the Invention of America as a title that documents and reflects on one of the greatest migratory facts of humanity and Edmundo O’Gorman’s own conformation as a member of a migrant family of Irish descent. This itinerancy featured a selection of photographs by authors with diverse backgrounds, landscapes that sought to represent the rich and complex identity of an America that continues to reinvent itself to this day.

Escucha la exposición a través de esta selección musical latinoamericana que acompañó la curaduría.

Authors of the exhibition

Edgar Cano
Cecilia Mancera
Demian Flores
Plácido Merino
José Villalobos
Óscar Camilo de las Flores
Teresa Zimbrón
Alberto Castro Leñero
Raúl Herrera
Argelia Matus
Gerardo Martínez
Carlos Jaurena
Santiago Rebolledo
Emmanuel López López
Manuel Bernal F
Humberto Valdez
Gabriel Macotela
Sergio Chávez

Ricardo Ánimas
Maribel Avilés
Gustavo Monroy
Minerva Ante
Eric Pozos Vásquez
Jesús Reyes Cordero
Victor Manuel Torres
Daniel Orozco
Rodolfo Valtierra
Juan Carlos Reyes
Iván Rubín
Judith Saron
Margarita Nava
Saúl Cortés (el charro morado)
Eloy Tarcisio
Arturo Sotomayor Albrecht
Manuel de la Carretera
Yankel Balderas Pacheco

The images shown below were part of the exhibition.

You can purchase them through our website.


Manuel de la Carretera

His life and passion is being able to transmit in an image through a photographic camera; being able to tell a moment a story of his people, race, environment and the nostalgia of life.

Ivan Rubin

Photographer and self-taught visual artist. He studied Communication and Cultural Management at the Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México (UACM).

Juan Carlos Reyes

Studied at the Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca, he has been a press photographer since 1992 and began his photographic studies with Luis Madrigal Simancas.

Saúl Cortés Hernández, “El Charro Morado”.

Multidisciplinary artist. Has participated in exhibitions, meetings, biennials, exhibitions and national and international meetings of rock, theater, performance, visual poetry, visual arts, literature and photography.

Rodolfo Valtierra

Born in Mexico City in 1974 into a family of journalists. From an early age he was immersed in the world of photojournalism; he grew up alongside the armed conflicts in Central America in the 1980s, giving him a passion for observing political and social movements. His work has been published in various national and international media. With his brothers, he founded Cuartoscuro, an agency dedicated to photography. He has received several awards.

Victor Manuel Torres

Studied at the National School of Anthropology and History (ENAH). Is Archaeologist, Visual Anthropologist, Photographer and Cultural Manager. Director of CAX Antropología Visual SC.

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