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pequeñas Acciones= Grandes cambios


Espacio Nancarrow O'Gorman

Identidad y comunidad en la gráfica

Identity and community in printmaking

Centro Cultural del México Contemporáneo
12. 08. 2022

The round table dialogue approached the practice of printmaking from the perspectives of collectivity, memory, and identity. During the talk, Emanuel Cárdenas, member of the collective “La Resistencia”, invited the public to reflect on the production and distribution of printmaking in the context of taking over public spaces, as a way linking with the community, as well as the need to promote active public engagement in production processes that break the barriers of the workshop as a space reserved for the artist; thus dislocating the idea of the creative genius of art.

Emanuel Cardenas described, as an example of the practices of the Resistance, the collective’s realization of an engraving that counted on the participation of approximately 100 people of diverse ages and trades, as well as fellow engravers.

Miguel Ángel Rosas discussed the creation of images as identity devices that generate memories, questioning categories such as “history” and “truth”.

The talk was moderated by Valeria Parra, art historian.

Emanuel Cárdenas Ramírez (Mexico City, 1978) – Speaker

Instagram: @emanuelcaram

Ph.D. in Arts and Design by the FAD-UNAM. He is a founding member of the workshop Utopía Gráfica (2006) and the printmaking workshop La Rata Muerta (CDMX). He has benefited from programs such as the Beca Jóvenes Creadores, FONCA, (2011-2012). His work was selected in: Chile, Romania, Poland, Brazil, USA and has had different solo exhibitions in Mexico.

Miguel Ángel Rosas – Speaker

Instagram: @miguel.angel.rosas.r

Ph.D. in Art History from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Master in Art History from the UNAM, and Graduate in Urban Design from the Faculty of Architecture of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.

Valeria Parra Moranchel – Moderator

Instagram: @valeriamoranchel

Holds a degree in Art History from the Universidad Iberoamericana. Her main areas of interest are gender equality, body and memory.

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